Friday, February 20, 2009

Assignment 8 - The Real Riel

In this assignment, we are supposed to read about Louis Riel, the founder of Manitoba and a person who helped form Canada. In other words, most people see him as the father of Confederation. After we have gathered enough information about Louis Riel, we are supposed to try to feel how some people felt about Louis Riel, it can be negative or positive. We then write an imaginary interview with Louis Riel. Click Here for more information on this assignment. The setting for this interview is November 14th 2120.


Host: Ladies and gentlemen, today is a new day with newer discoveries to make. On this wonderful morning we are lucky to have been able to bring Louis Riel here from the past to share some of the experiences he has gone throughout his life. Luckily we reached him two days before his execution. Now before, I call Louis Riel to come here on this stage, I would like to share some general information about him to give you a better understanding of who he is and why he is important to our history, particularly Manitoba's. Louis Riel was born on October 22nd, 1844 and he unfortunately passed away on November 16th, 1885. He is the oldest child of Louis Riel Sr. and Julie Lagimodière, who had eleven children in total. They were one of the well-respected French Canadian-Métis family. Now, give it up for LOUIS RIEL, (waiting for audience to settle down) who would probably give more accurate information about himself. (Louis walks onto stage, greeting the host). Louis Riel, its a pleasure to have you here.

Louis: The pleasure is all mine and I can really see the development Canada has gone through over the past century.

Host: (laughs) Of course, thanks to people such as yourself. Well, Mr. Riel today we have you here to tell us Canadians the actual truth about yourself and exactly what caused people to think what they are thinking about you right now. We will start with I guess your father. I heard that your father unfortunately died in 1864, how did that affect your life?

Louis: Wow, that's quiet sudden starting with my father's death. Anyways it affected my life because when I heard about my father's death, I started losing interest in the priesthood which gave me no choice but to withdraw from the college of Montreal. Afterward, I did try to continue my studies in the Grey Nuns but I was later asked to leave due to the fact that I basically had lack of both interest and discipline to the subject. Also because of the death my father, I started to work as a law clerk in the Montreal office of Rodolphe Laflamme . So, overall it affected my life as well as my career.

Host: Well, its tragic and I personally think that if I were in your shoes I would probably lose interest in priesthood too because from my experiences such shocks changes the way you think. Keep watching and we will be back after this short break.

Break in session for 5mins.

Host: Ok we're back with Louis Riel. So after your fathers death, you continued to stay in Montreal and there you found someone really special. I am sure that the audience and I will love to hear more about it.

Louis: I got involved in a relationship with the most amazing woman I had ever met named Julie Guermon. Julie and I decided that we should get married and we signed a marriage contract. So basically we were engaged but however, Julie's family were against her involvement with a metis and so our engagement was broken.

Host: Riel, when your engagement was broken due to their family not wanting Julie to be involved with metis, were you offended to that comment or decision?

Louis: In fact I was offended because they made such a quick judgement, they didn't even try to get to know us metis.

Host: After the incident with Julie, did you marry anyone else?

Louis Riel's Kids

Louis: Well, after having my heart broken by Julie, I never thought I would be interested in another women but I however, married another most amazing women name Marguerite. With her I had two children named Jean and Angelique and a third son who passed away at birth.

Host: Look at the bright side you were able to get over Julie and Marguerite must have been a very incredible woman. Anyways we will be back right after this short break keep watching.

Break in session for 5mins.

Host: Ok we are back. Now Mr. Riel this next question of mine has absolutely nothing to do with what we have been talking about. I heard that you were involved in the red river rebellion, what was your purpose or role there?

Louis: I had several roles in the Red river rebellion. These roles include: maintain peace in the settlement, preventing William McDougall from entering the settlement, being spokesmen of the Metis and there are several others that aren't as important.

Host: I have been wondering. Was your role able to end the rebellion?

Louis: To say the truth, my role had nothing to do with the end of the rebellion. Basically the rebellion ended as soon as I fled from the settlement due to the fact that most people thought that the only reason the expedition was coming was to arrest me because of Thomas Scott's execution.

Host: With all that events happening around you, did you get involved in any type of problems such as stress, depression and etc.

Louis: Yes, in fact I got involved in a continues stress which later made me suffer from mental exhaustion. As it got worse I was forced to go to a psychiatric hospital in Montreal and in Beauport (somewhere near Quebec).

Host: That is so terrible and so unexpected. I also heard that many people throughout Canada has different opinions about you. Some say that you were a father of Confederation while others thought you were a traitor and other such things. How do you feel about the way other people think about you? Do you agree or disagree with their opinions?

Thomas Scott

Louis: Well, all individuals have different opinions and you really can't blame them because its all about what they hear or read about. I maybe a traitor to some eyes because I basically shot Thomas Scott by agreeing to his execution. I however think that I shouldn't have been judged so fast because obviously I wouldn't have agreed to someones execution without reasons. To think of it, if I didn't kill Thomas Scott, he would probably gather with others and try to attack Fort Garry and kill many innocent people. So, I disagree with being called a traitor because the way others thought of me killing Thomas Scott was not the way I meant it. People thought that by killing Thomas Scott, I enraged anti-Catholic and anti-French sentiment in Ontario but I was actually trying to make people to take metis more seriously. As for the father of Confederation, I have to agree because I was responsible for the entrance of Manitoba into Confederation. So technically I agree and I also disagree with their opinions.

Host: We were just getting at the good part but we will be back after this really short break.

Break in session for 5mins.

Host: OK we are back. Now Louis are you ok you look a little uncomfortable. Don't worry we only have like 2 questions left. So here it goes if you were able to go back in time, what would you change and why? For example would you have not killed Thomas Scott.

Louis: Well, if I were able to go back in time which I can actually today since I am here from the past, I would probably not kill Thomas Scott. Instead I would put him under custody because part of the reason why the government did accept our will was because I killed Thomas. The second thing I would probably change is not to flee from the settlement and instead listen to their decision because I felt really bad leaving the metis side when they needed me the most as a spokesmen. Other than that I am actually proud of myself for accomplishing more than what I planned too. I mean, I am known as a father Confederation and hero to most people.

Thomas being executed

Host: Yes, you really are a true hero. Anyway, you execution is in two day, how do you feel about that?

Louis: I feel like I am being punished for no reason, well at least I think that I am being punished for no reason. The reason for that is because I thought that I did something that would help the people of metis and lessen the racism against them. I also think that I brought the concept that everyone needs human rights, no matter what race they are.

Host: It was a privilege to interview you but unfortunately we are running out of time, so I guess this is a bye.

Louis: The pleasure was all mine, never thought I would be able to see how this developed.

Host: (laughs) Watch me tomorrow to make even newer discoveries, same channel, same time, WATCH ME!

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Here are the websites I used for information:



Shauna Pollock said...

Wow, ladies,

You did a magnificent job! I'm very proud of you!

Miss P

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