Friday, March 6, 2009

Test Your New France Knowledge

I took a quiz on New France and it had some questions about some of the stuff I already knew about like " Who was Canada's first Adventurers" and they were some stuff that i never heard off or learned about such as "In addition to his search for the "western sea," what other occupation did Pierre de la Verendrtre hold.

After i finished the quiz I got 8 out of 10, which was better than what I thought I would get because the last time I learned about New France was in grade seven. By taking this quiz, I learned a lot that I didn't know about such as: When Thompson was done exploring, he put together an enormous map pf western Canada, a school teacher Annie Taylor was the first person to go over the falls and survive, and Mina Hubbard was the first non-native woman to explore Labrador. From taking this quiz I learned many facts that i never knew or heard about, so take the quiz and discover the new facts you might learn about New France that you never knew.